Every Food Manufacturer should use Metal Detectable Nitrile Gloves - 05-26-2020 - Food Manufacturers should use Metal Detectable Nitrile Gloves   I believe every Food Manufacturer should be using our new Metal Detectable Nitrile Gloves. When NASA created HACCP in the 60s they set us on a never-ending journey to make food safer. One leg of that journey introduced Gloves to limit the exposure of food to the micro-organisms that live on our hands. It was. . . Read More

California Bans Latex Gloves in Food Manufacturing - 05-12-2020 -   Bill SB-677   If you’re manufacturing, serving, or handling food in the Sate of California then you should be using either a nitrile glove, vinyl gloves, or anything other than Latex. In September of 2019 Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Bill SB-677 which says in simple terms: (g) The use of latex gloves is prohibited in food facilities and retail food establishments. Ty. . . Read More

Anti-Viral Properties of Our XDetect Material - 04-27-2020 -   Is the BST XDetect material an effective Anti-Viral Material?   List of Products with XDetect Silver-Ion Additive   I’ve been receiving a lot of questions regarding the anti-bacterial properties within the XDetect material and whether they are an effective anti-viral agent against the Covid-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2). The short answer is we think it does. In several studies, Silv. . . Read More